elektronický obchod se software
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Embark on an adventure with a ragtag crowd of royals and help prevent a greedy knight from marrying Sir Lancaster’s daughter for money, all while facing deadly enemies and dastardly puzzles. You’ll need to optimize your decision-making skills as you choose whether to gather resources, construct buildings or remove anything standing in your way.
Set off on an adventure in the name of love!
Embark on an adventure with a ragtag crowd of royals and help prevent a greedy knight from marrying Sir Lancaster’s daughter for money, all while facing deadly enemies and dastardly puzzles.
You’ll need to optimize your
Travel throughout the diverse and beautiful lands of Camelot as you attempt to prove Sir Culhwch’s love is pure.
If you are feeling ready you must set out right away, Sir Culhwch needs your help and time is not on your side!
Plná verze umožňuje:
Minimální konfigurace:
OS: Windows 7/8/10 / CPU: 2 GHz / RAM: 2 GB / VRAM: 512 MB / DirectX 11
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