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Camelot: Wrath of the Green Knight

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Camelot: Home of King Arthur’s court… and intrigue!
detail produktuna zkoušku ke staženísklademlicence emailemprogram je česky
VýrobceAlawar Czech
Operační systémWindows XP/Vista/7/8
Ke staženístáhnout a vyzkoušet program ZDARMA


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 Camelot: Wrath of the Green Knight
* obrázky mají pouze ilustrativní charakter

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When the Lady of the Lake goes missing, her husband the Green Knight blames King Arthur, threatening the peace of Camelot for all...

Dark clouds hover over King Arthur’s mystical kingdom and Camelot. When the Lady of the Lake goes missing, her husband the Green Knight blames King Arthur, threatening the peace of Camelot for all… As Merlin’s apprentice, you are charged with proving that King Arthur was not to blame, and perhaps finding the real culprit behind this dastardly kidnapping. It is time for you to prove you deserve to be a court mage. Will you be able to prevent war and find the traitor who plotted to bring down the King?


Plná verze umožňuje:

  • Monsters have appeared in the Kingdom of Camelot! In this second chapter, you must once again step in with your wits and magic to save the day!
  • New story and HOPA Scenes
  • New Mini-Games and Puzzles
  • Collectibles and Morphs to find
  • Wallpapers, Music Tracks and more

Minimální konfigurace:
OS: Windows 7/8/10 / CPU: 2.5 GHz / RAM: 1024 Mb / DirectX: 9.0


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